Friday, July 31, 2009

The Human Race- Extinct

The most intelligent species. It feels great isn't it? Being the most intelligence species on the whole Planet. Being in control of everything, being capable of thinking, feeling that we are alive, not just crawling or barking for food all day because we procure our own food, from the shops we created with the money we made.... we are intelligent. People these days don't need nothing or no one, they can handle anything ! People are strong ! People can DO ANYTHING, right?
Once again.... wrong. Most intelligence species? Why is that? Was the planet dying when we started to think? Was it not the natural fauna that was evolving on it's own, without any human intervention. Animals were constantly evolving, there were no such things as extinct species, except for the ones too weak to keep up with the mighty Nature.
And who the hell on Earth made money, I'd like to know. Money makes the world go round? What kind of stupid quote is this, anyway? The Earth wouldn't collapse if the money would disappear, heck, it won't collapse even when the human kind will disappear,fact wich will happen very soon. Why am I so pessimistic? The humans were so intelligent they even created a Doomsday Clock, so we can know exactly when we are a couple of minutes before dying. If you don't believe me, just Google "The Doomsday Clock" and you will find out that we have about 5 minutes til' midnight(that means no more intelligent species).
Our time is so short thanks to all the nuclear tests&detonations and of course the overusing of the natural resources.I'm not trying to upset anybody, but the humans never stopped destroying since they first had a thought.
We don't need a more powerful species to come and take us down, no, because we are already weak enough, that we're actually destroying ourselves.
We are intelligent, yes.... but that is not enough people... that is not enough.

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